We offer an agreed project of the realisation
of legal service, individually adjusted to our Clients’ personal and professional
needs and taking into account the specificity our Clients’ business activities.
Particular commissions are realized in the shortest possible period – consequently
there is the possibility of preparing legal opinions concerning not complicated
cases within 24 hours. This offer comes as a special service for our regular customers.
- Legal help provided by our office to regular customers will include:
1. preparing the projects of internal legal acts,
2. providing opinions on agreements, contracts and other legal acts presented by
the customer,
3. providing legal advice,
4. preparing legal information and opinions,
5. acting on the Client’s behalf before the courts and other public administration
The costs of legal service are counted according to one of three options and are
negotiated with Clients in every single case:
a. Option I: an hour fee;
b. Option II: a lump sum fee with hour limit;
c. Option III: a lump sum fee without hour limit;
d. Option IV: the cost of the trial service – according to fees imposed by
the Polish law
All of our services are insured on the ground of civil responsibility and all the
information provided by the clients is treated as a professional secret and thus
is confidential.
Legal help provided by our office mainly includes:
- Commercial law including legal advice and
help in all the cases connected with running businesses. This includes advising
in the range of civil law, especially negotiating and preparing projects of agreements
and contracts, conducting cases before common courts of law and courts of conciliation,
complex auditing (due dilligence) of trading companies and preparing reports. We
also offer help in cases concerning establishing and converting companies and partnerships,
buying shares, changing agreements and statutes, additional payments of partners
and consolidations. Additionally, we provide all kinds of service connected with
taking actions in National Court Register;
- Law of public order, particularly concerning
organisation and dealing biddings and tenders. This service is provided for entities
takings part in tenders, who are ensured complex legal help including appeal and
court proceedings, as well as entities of public finance sector and others obliged
to comply with the law of public orders;
- Insolvency and improvement law Legal counsellors
and lawyers working for Lex Corpora have vast experience in the range of insolvency
and improvement law. Our experience includes conducting cases and representing the
interests of creditors. Our lawyers serve functions of official receivers and temporary
supervisors or plenipotentiaries of official receivers in different cases. As a
result, our experience in this range allows as to represent the interests of our
clients, creditors and debtors in the best way adjusted to their individual needs.
- Vindication of debts, that is all the actions
in the scope of vindications including taking measures leading to obtaining executive
titles, and if necessary - preserving debtors assets, then finally representing
creditors in execution proceedings.
- Criminal law, service provided by experienced
lawyers includes defending suspects and defendants as well as representing the harmed
in all stages of legal proceedings. All this with taking into account legal perturbations
concerning commercial activities.
- Family and custodial law in its full range
including private life as well as financial and possession matters.
- Labour and social security law, particularly
in the cases of damages, pensions and compensations.
- Civil law in its widest understanding.